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The following Church History describes the birth of the Voice of Christ Full Gospel Church ministry as described by Co-founder the late Mrs. Faavaina Tilo.

Chosen Vessels:

In the beginning of 1964 in San Francisco, California, one afternoon I was sitting in a Prayer meeting with Eva Zakarian (a mighty prayer warrior) and two other sisters; while praying, all of a sudden the Lord spoke to me through prophecy.


“My daughter one of these days I will give you a dream.  When this dream comes, do not be afraid, for it is I speaking unto you through this dream.  There is something in this dream I will show you.”

After three solid months, this Prophecy came to pass.  It was 4:10 a.m., in the morning of March 1964.  I had a very exciting and beautiful Dream.

The Dream:

Truly I saw a colorful vision of: "My husband (Founder of VOCFGC, the late Rev. T.K. Tilo) and I walking on the road and found a pool surrounded by big rocks on the wayside. When we got inside the pool, there was no water, but only dry ground. I saw dead fishes in various colors in all sizes inside the pool. I could smell the bad odor all around. We were standing in the middle of the pool facing each other, and we bent down and began working inside the pool. We patched up holes between the rocks on all sides of the pool. Truly, I saw our hands set all things beautifully in place, then I turned around and looked up to the sky and it began to rain, filling the pool to the top with water until the pool began to overflow. Finally, I saw all the dead fishes come to life again! They swam joyfully around the pool enjoying the water very, very much."

When I awoke, I felt the Holy Presence of the Lord and I had a great assurance of His Divine Call upon us to reach out for souls, not only Samoans, but other races and languages of people as I saw various colors of fishes.

This was confirmed when we started our first Church in San Francisco.

Those attending were; Samoans, White People, Black people, Filipino, Mexicans – Praise God for His people coming together! 

The Lord opened my understanding and showed me that the whole work has to be done by the mighty anointing power of the Holy Spirit.  Him, alone can give life to the Church. 


Praise God, He raised us to stand in His House and declare this “Fountain of Living Water” (Holy Spirit).  Till today, this same Holy Spirit is still flowing in every church of our organization and where ever we go.  Thank God He is not a man that He should lie.  “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord”  Zechariah  4:6.
So, The Voice of Christ Full Gospel Church Inc., is a prophetic ministry, birthed from the Lord.  Yes, Jesus said, “His sheep follow Him, because they know His voice.”


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Pres. Uilisone & Tepa Taito


The Lighthouse Temple Church is under the Voice of Christ Full Gospel Church (VOCFGC) ministry. The current President for the VOCFGC ministry is Elder Rev. Uilisone & first lady Tepa Taito. They are based in Mangere, Auckland, New Zealand; and are pastoring the VOCFGC, Revival Centre.  The VOCFGC Organization has 107 church branches based in New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Tonga, Independent Samoa, American Samoa, and the USA. The VOCFGC ministry also has affiliated member churches in Pakistan.

Lighthouse Temple

Here at Lighthouse Temple, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all through the Saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. By sharing our Christian values of Love, Self Sacrifice, Tolerance, and Acceptance of all people. 


We believe in the authority of Scripture - Sola Scriptura! We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ; God in the Flesh, Who died and sacrificed Himself on the Cross to redeem mankind, and proving truly, that God is Love! We also believe that we are saved by Grace alone, which moves us to deep humility and gratitude to live for the Lord and perform his works of love!

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