Current Projects
As of April 14, we have just received a preliminary draft for the replacement retaining wall. We plan to replace the original collapsed retaining wall (that was constructed in the 1980's), with a modern design to last generations. Once the design drawing is completed, we will submit for our Land Use Permit so we can start on the new retaining wall and improvements for the church grounds and parking structure. We've posted pictures below to show the latest progress and our plans for these projects: Construct a new ADA compliant restroom facility next to the Church hall, repair and construct new retaining wall to replace the one that collapsed, and construct a new retaining wall on the North side of the Church.
In Mark 11:23, Jesus said "Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;...." In our case, we are actually building a mountain of earth to restore our parking lot space; we are speaking for a mountain to come into existence, and we do not doubt Almighty God, our Heavenly Father. :)
We have a Samoan Proverb that says "Limalima Faatasi e mama ai se avega", Many hands lighten a burden. We humbly ask for your prayers and financial support. God Bless!